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Product Name: Portable Electric Shoe or Boot Drier

Product Name: Portable Electric Shoe or Boot Drier 

Specification :

Colour: Pink
Material: Canvas
Size: 55*165 MM
Type: US

Price: 650

Features :

1. Thermal Technology: With our heated sneaker decreaser. The thermal technology relieves stressed leather, textile, rubber, foam and more.
2. Dries wet shoes: Just washed your sneakers? Dry them out to maximize shoe life and quality
3. Deodorizes: Got stinky shoes? With our heat wave technology, it will remove bad odors from your shoes!
4. Keep you feet healthy, dry and feel more comfortable. 


1. Stylish and beautiful
2. Portable and compact
3. Superior material, delicate touch.
4. Deodorization, dehumidification and sterilization. 

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